About the Licensing Organisations
Copyright and Schools is a working group of representatives from the licensing bodies that provide licences for the use of copyright material in the schools sector. The group aims to manage the issues that surround copyright in schools through raising awareness, providing information and increasing the two-way understanding of the concerns of both our rightsholders and the schools that benefit from using their work.
The Copyright and Schools website is an information resource to help schools navigate copyright licensing and understand how copyright material can be used within a school – providing accessible, relevant and up-to-date information to support the curricular and extracurricular use of copyright content.
Blanket licensing arrangements allow schools to use copyright works from an extensive repertoire, under the terms of a licence rather than having to request permission from rightsholders every time a work is used.
Further information is also available on the gov.uk website Copyright licence information for schools
Please click on the links below for more specific information about each organisation:

Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI)
CCLI is the UK’s major licensing body for the reproduction of songs and hymns used in assemblies and acts of collective worship. CCLI can license your school to reproduce the lyrics and music of many thousands of songs by hand, type, computer storage, photocopying, or use of OHP acetates, electronic storage and projection, song sheets and so on.
T: 01323 436100
E: uk@ccli.com

The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd (CLA)
CLA represents authors, publishers and visual artists, and licenses schools to copy and re-use extracts from print and digital books, magazines, journals and certain websites.
Schools holding the CLA Education Licence can copy extracts via a variety of means and share these copies with staff and students registered at the school. Licensed schools are also eligible for a free Education Platform account, making copying even easier.
The CLA Licence therefore provides an efficient and cost-effective way to manage copyright risk when you’re creating handouts for classes, putting extracts on the VLE, or emailing homework to students.
T: 020 7400 3100
E: education.customers@cla.co.uk

The Educational Recording Agency Ltd (ERA)
The ERA Licensing Scheme permits staff and students at educational establishments to record, copy, and use broadcast content for non-commercial educational purposes. In addition, the ERA website is home to the BBC Shakespeare and Literary Archives and provides licensed users with access to thousands of carefully curated clips through its Video Streaming Platform. Also available are a broad range of Subject Playlists, which direct users to some of the best clips for use in teaching and learning in schools and colleges.
T: 020 7837 3222
E: era@era.org.uk

Filmbankmedia - Public Video Screening Licence (PVSL)
PVSL was created by Filmbankmedia who represent all major Hollywood plus independent and Bollywood Studios. Schools holding the PVSL are able to show films for entertainment purposes during and out of schools hours, including in after-school film clubs. Fundraising licences for screenings on a “title-by-title”basis are also available.
T: 01494 836 231
E: pvsl@cefm.co.uk

MPLC Umbrella Licence
The MPLC Umbrella Licence® for Schools is an annual licence that entitles schools to screen unlimited films and TV shows for entertainment purposes such as pre & after school clubs, end of term treats, film clubs and wet weather alternatives. The licence represents over 1,000 studios, distributors & TV producers only available within the MPLC repertoire.
There is no overlap or studio duplication between the MPLC and PVS Licences. They are two stand-alone licences required by a school.
You can contact MPLC on 01323 649 647 or email educationuk@mplc.com
T: 01323 649 647
E: educationuk@mplc.com

NLA Media Access
NLA Media Access grants rights to schools make copies of articles from its print and digital newspaper titles. Teachers can photocopy, scan or copy & paste material from newspapers to share with students. Licensed schools are also eligible for a free Newspapers for Schools account, giving access to a searchable repository of national and regional newspapers going back to 2006.
NLA Media Access has appointed CLA as its exclusive agent for all UK educational licensing.
T: 020 7400 3100
E: education.customers@cla.co.uk

Printed Music Licensing Ltd (PMLL)
PMLL is owned by the Music Publishers Association, a trade body representing over 200 music publishers. Printed Music Licensing Limited (PMLL) represents the rights of music and print music publishers. We have over 130 members ranging from the major publishers, independent and print publishers. PMLL was set up in 2013 to license the photocopying and arranging of sheet music within schools. We now offer a licence for Amateur choirs and Music Services allowing sheet music to be photocopied and arranged without needing individual permission from publishers.
T: 020 7400 3124
E: viki.smith@mpagroup.com

PRS for Music
PRS for Music is the trading name of the Performing Right Society Ltd (PRS) and Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS), who between them have a combined membership of over 90,000 songwriters, composers, and publishers of copyright music and represent in the UK hundred of thousands of such creators though affiliation agreements with similar societies throughout the world.
PRS licenses organisations to perform in public (whether live or by the showing or playing of sound recordings, films or broadcasts) and to communicate to the public (including by intranet or internet transmission) the copyright works of its members and overseas societies, and distribute the resulting royalties to them fairly and efficiently. We promote and protect the value of copyright.
A PRS for Music licence is required for any public performance of music for extra curricular purposes within schools. A licence for schools can be obtained from PRS for Music’s agent CEFM. Some commercial uses of music may need to be licensed directly by PRS for Music or by our members.
PRS for Music as MCPS licences the copyright of music onto a CD, tape video or DVD, or other sound-bearing medium, including online platforms; and the distribution of such copies to the public. This applies to recordings of school concerts, plays, or similar events. Applications for a MCPS licence can only be made on the PRS for Music website
T: 01494 473014
E: prs@cefm.co.uk

Phonographic Peformance Ltd (PPL)
PPL licenses recorded music played in public and broadcast on TV, radio and the internet on behalf of its record company and performer members. A PPL licence is required for any public performance of recorded music for extra curricular purposes within schools, such as school discos, keep fit classes, music on hold etc. A licence can be obtained from CEFM (the Centre for Education and Finance Management).
CEFM / PPL website
T: 01494 459183
E: info@cefm.co.uk