Websites, Online Magazines and Journals
Copying or re-typing text and/or images from an online magazine, journal or website
Last updated 02 July 2020
In a lesson
Permission is granted under the CLA Licence
You can use CLA’s Check Permissions tool to see if the web content you are planning to use is covered by the CLA Licence. If so, you can use the content according to the standard terms of your CLA Licence, saving you the job of finding out the details of each different website’s copyright policy.
For more details about the terms of your CLA Licence, got to CLA’s Licence to Copy.
If you want to copy outside of these terms, and your intended copying is not covered by a copyright exception, you will need to contact the publisher/web-producer directly to ask permission to do so.
Other sites will have their own Terms and Conditions which you must read before using their content. Remember – just because a site is free-to-view or because you are not using that content to make a profit, does not mean that it is free-to-use. Every site has its own particular terms of use so check these thoroughly.
For extra-curricular use
Permission is granted under the CLA Licence
The CLA Licence covers teachers at the school to copy extracts from certain online material, and to share these with other teachers, pupils and their parents, other school staff and governors.
If you want to copy for a public facing audience, or anyone outside your school, then you will need to get permission from the publisher/web-producer.